誰があなたを導いている?聖霊は私たちを導いてくれる存在 - Who is Guiding You? Holy Spirit is Our Guide - Lifehouse Japan

Episode 2

Published on:

9th Jun 2024

誰があなたを導いている?聖霊は私たちを導いてくれる存在 - Who is Guiding You? Holy Spirit is Our Guide

(Bilingual) このメッセージではモンティー牧師が「誰があなたを導いている?聖霊は私たちを導いてくれる存在」について以下の3つのポイントから話します。


In this message Ps Monty talks about "Who is Guiding You? Holy Spirit is Our Guide" in these 3 points:

Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note.


ヨハネ筆14:16-17 ERV訳 / John 14:16-17 NLT

使徒の活動記録 16:6-10 ERV訳 / Acts 16:6-10 NLT

ヨハネ筆16:13 ERV訳 / John 16:13 NLT

ハバクク書 2:2 JCB / Habakkuk 2:2 NIV

ピリピ 4:7 ERV訳 / Philippians 4:7 NLT



Receive the Holy Spirit


Write it Down


God will Give You Peace


Not My Will, But YOUR Will Be Done







・Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to be with us forever. How can the Holy Spirit guide us in our daily lives?(John 14:16-17)

・The Holy Spirit guided Paul and Silas on their journey. Have you ever felt guided by God in your decisions? How did it feel?(Acts 16:6-10)

・It says the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. How can we listen to the Holy Spirit and follow His guidance?(John 16:13)

・Why is it important to write down what God is telling us?(Habakkuk 2:2)

・How can we experience this peace in our lives?(Philippians 4:7)


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Preaching & Teaching from Lifehouse Church in Japan

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