あなたへの神様の計画は愛に満ちている - God’s Plan For You Is Filled With Love
(Bilingual) このメッセージでは太助牧師が「あなたへの神様の計画は愛に満ちている」について以下の4つのポイントから話します。
In this message Ps Tasuke talks about ”God’s Plan For You Is Filled With Love” in these 4 points:
Check the questions for discussion at the end of the note.
創世記24:7 ERV / Genesis 24:7 NLT
創世記24:11-15 ERV / Genesis 24:11-15 NLT
創世記24:17-21 ERV / Genesis 24:17-21 NLT
創世記24:26-27 ERV / Genesis 24:26-27 NLT
創世記24:63-67 ERV / Genesis 24:63-67 NLT
イザヤ 55:11 JCB / Isaiah 55:11 NLT
God’s Plan Is Big and Good
The Fruition of the Plan Starts With Prayers
Wise Discernment Is Necessary
God Will Fulfill His Plan of Blessing
・Can you name the things that "love is" and that "love is not"?
・Can you share any examples of when you persevered in love?
・Why is it important to pray when we need help from God?
・How does God show His love through His plan for us?
・How can we grow stronger in love?
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